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...."Architecture. A Dangerous Game" by Álvaro Siza.."Arquitectura. Um Jogo Perigoso" de Álvaro Siza....

....There is a game in which the player places an open palm and splayed fingers on a table, then, using a penknife, stabs back and forth between the gaps, faster and faster.
A dangerous game. Such is Architecture.

Álvaro Siza


Há um jogo segundo o qual, aberta a mão e afastados os dedos, se golpeiam sucessivamente os intervalos com uma navalha, cada vez mais rapidamente.
Um jogo perigoso. Assim é a arquitectura.

Álvaro Siza


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....7 things to unlearn with Paulo Mendes da Rocha..7 ideias a desaprender com Paulo Mendes da Rocha....


1. Art is no longer to be made mysterious
2. Imagining is knowing how to do it
3. Architecture is aimed at doing
4. Nature is not a mother
5. Each of us begins everything
6. Horror lies in the destruction of technique
7. You have to make yourself say: “I know!” And if you don’t, who does?


1. A arte não é mais para ser feita como mistério
2. Imaginar é saber como fazer
3. A Arquitectura destina-se ao fazer, não ao ver
4. A Natureza não é mãe
5. Cada um de nós começa tudo
6. O horror está na destruição da técnica
7. Você tem de se obrigar a dizer: “Eu sei!”. Se você não souber, quem sabe?


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Imagining the Evident, Again

João Gomes da Silva

When my eyes got used to the raw light of the North Coast, I contemplated sand, concrete steps, water flats between rocks, and the immense sea with the waves battling in foam. I remember thinking an obviousness, the obviousness of what Architecture is, and how it builds the Landscape. This moment changed my life, at the exact moment when I started to become a Landscape Architect.

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Imagining the Evident

Jonathan Sergison

More than any other architect I can think of, Álvaro Siza, has inspired me throughout my career. I first visited his buildings in Porto as a fourth-year student of architecture in 1987, although I had been aware of them throughout my studies. I was always profoundly moved by them, but they are buildings that have to been seen for their many qualities to be evident.

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Towards the Evident

Daniela Sá

When Arnold Schoenberg critiqued the work of Adolf Loos, he remarked that the possibility of invention, “was in the modes of intuition”, adding, “and this is the most noble origin of a work of art.” Banishing the idea of invention from that of novelty by forms appears to be as essential to Schoenberg in the early twentieth century as it is to Álvaro Siza, a century later.

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.... The common teacher.. O professor comum....

Daniela Sá, João Carmo Simões

....Between Porto and Lisbon there was a distance only within reach of the titanic Manuel Graça Dias. He arrived by taxi just before the weekend to disconcert our ceremonies, convenient and small ..Entre o Porto e Lisboa havia uma distância apenas ao alcance do titânico Manuel Graça Dias. Chegava de táxi antes do fim-de-semana para nos desconcertar as cerimónias, convenientes e pequenas....

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