Casa de Serralves M13_Miolo 14.jpg

Casa de Serralves

Living in Lisbon 52 HL Catalogo EN 01.jpg

Living in Lisbon

Habitar Lisboa BASE Spreads.jpg

Habitar Lisboa

FEP / Viana de Lima M12_spread site 1.jpg

FEP / Viana de Lima

The Order of Landscape / Special Edition M11_2.jpg

The Order of Landscape / Special Edition

The Order of Landscape / João Gomes da Silva M11_2.jpg
Sold Out

The Order of Landscape / João Gomes da Silva

Futuro Desenhado / Paulo Mendes da Rocha M14_Spreads 14.jpg

Futuro Desenhado / Paulo Mendes da Rocha

Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza M9 Spread 01.jpg
Sold Out

Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza

Gulbenkian spread 1.jpg
Sold Out


Designed Future / Paulo Mendes da Rocha M6_spread 20.jpg

Designed Future / Paulo Mendes da Rocha

Futuro Desenhado / Paulo Mendes da Rocha – 1.ª Edição M6_spread 21.jpg

Futuro Desenhado / Paulo Mendes da Rocha – 1.ª Edição

CIVITAS / São Paulo civitas_06.jpg

CIVITAS / São Paulo

Public without Rhetoric 01.jpg

Public without Rhetoric

POROSIS / The Architecture of Nuno Brandão Costa 1a.jpg

POROSIS / The Architecture of Nuno Brandão Costa

Álvaro Siza / Museu Nadir Afonso 2_1.jpg
Sold Out

Álvaro Siza / Museu Nadir Afonso

Paulo Mendes da Rocha / Museu Nacional dos Coches 1.jpg

Paulo Mendes da Rocha / Museu Nacional dos Coches

....A Dangerous Game / Álvaro Siza..Um Jogo Perigoso / Álvaro Siza.... Ft%252BMoldura%252BSerigrafia%252BNW.jpg

A Dangerous Game / Álvaro Siza

from €550.00
....[Silkscreen + Book] Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza – Limited Edition..[Serigrafia + Livro] Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza.... M9 Serigrafia zoom.jpg

[Silkscreen + Book] Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza – Limited Edition

from €550.00
....Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza (1st Edition - RARE)..Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza (1.ª Edição - RARO).... M9 Spread 02.jpg

Imagining the Evident / Álvaro Siza (1st Edition - RARE)

....Gulbenkian (1st Edition - RARE)..Gulbenkian (1.ª Edição - RARO).... BASE spread 12.jpg

Gulbenkian (1st Edition - RARE)

Modern Architects / MoMA 1932 modern 1.jpg
Sold Out

Modern Architects / MoMA 1932

Brazil Builds AS15_EN_1.jpg

Brazil Builds

Haus Wittgenstein HW_spread 1.jpg

Haus Wittgenstein

The Form of Form FF2.jpg

The Form of Form

....Pack A Forma da Forma FF_capa_02 copy.jpg

Pack A Forma da Forma

Pack "The Poetics of Reason" / Lisbon Triennale 2019..Pack "A Poética da Razão" / Trienal de Lisboa 2019 AA5.jpg
Sold Out

Pack "The Poetics of Reason" / Lisbon Triennale 2019

Natural Beauty..Natural Beauty NB2.jpg

Natural Beauty

Economy of Means EOM2.jpg
Sold Out

Economy of Means

Inner Space IS2.jpg
Sold Out

Inner Space

Taking the Country's Side: Agriculture and Architecture AA2.jpg
Sold Out

Taking the Country's Side: Agriculture and Architecture

What is Ornament? ORN3.jpg
Sold Out

What is Ornament?

Pack "Terra" / Lisbon Triennale 2022..Pack "Terra" / Trienal de Lisboa 2022

Pack "Terra" / Lisbon Triennale 2022

Cycles 20221001_LF_DSC_3580.jpg


Retroactive 20221001_LF_DSC_3606.jpg






....Let's Talk about Houses / When Art Speaks Architecture..Falemos de Casas / Quando a Arte fala Arquitectura.... Art2.jpg

Let's Talk about Houses / When Art Speaks Architecture

....Let's Talk about Houses / Between North and South..Falemos de Casas / Entre o Norte e o Sul.... norte1_contracapa.jpg

Let's Talk about Houses / Between North and South

....Let's Talk about Houses / Competitions..Falemos de Casas / Concursos.... Concurso 2.png

Let's Talk about Houses / Competitions

A+U / Paulo Mendes da Rocha A+U_3.jpg
Sold Out

A+U / Paulo Mendes da Rocha

....subscribe Electra..assine a Electra....

subscribe Electra

from €33.00 every 12 months
....Electra 27 / Narcissism ..Electra 27 / O Narcisismo.... BASE E spread 72_16-20_2.jpg

Electra 27 / Narcissism

from €11.00
....Electra 26 / The new ..Electra 26 / O novo.... BASE E spread 72_10.jpg

Electra 26 / The new

from €11.00
....Electra 25 / Lies ..Electra 25 / A Mentira.... Electra 25 spread 1.jpg

Electra 25 / Lies

from €9.00
....Electra 24 / Excess ..Electra 24 / Excesso.... Electra 24 spread 1.jpg

Electra 24 / Excess

from €9.00
....Electra 23 / Attention ..Electra 23 / Atenção.... Electra 23 spread 5.jpg

Electra 23 / Attention

from €9.00
....Electra 22 / The Life or the Work? ..Electra 22 / A vida ou a obra?.... Electra 22 spread 0.jpg

Electra 22 / The Life or the Work?

from €9.00
....Electra 21 / Leisure and idleness..Electra 21 / Ócio e lazer.... Contracapa E21.jpg

Electra 21 / Leisure and idleness

from €9.00
....Electra 20 / Taste..Electra 20 / O Gosto.... Electra 20 spread 2.jpg

Electra 20 / Taste

from €9.00
....Electra 19 / Democracy..Electra 19 / Democracia.... Electra 19 EN3 copy.jpg

Electra 19 / Democracy

from €9.00
....Electra 18 / City, Countryside..Electra 18 / Cidade, Campo.... Miolo_Electra 18 EN1.jpg

Electra 18 / City, Countryside

from €9.00
....Electra 17 / Football..Electra 17 / O Futebol.... Miolo Electra 16 EN__01.jpg

Electra 17 / Football

from €9.00
....Electra 16 / Identity(ies)..Electra 16 / Identidade(s).... Miolo Electra 16 EN_01.jpg

Electra 16 / Identity(ies)

from €9.00
....Electra 15 / The Numbers..Electra 15 / Os Números.... Miolo Electra 15 EN 1.jpg

Electra 15 / The Numbers

from €9.00
....Electra 14 / On Contemporary Art..Electra 14 / Sobre Arte Contemporânea.... E14_1.jpg

Electra 14 / On Contemporary Art

from €9.00
....Electra 13 / Food..Electra 13 / Comida.... E13_1.jpg

Electra 13 / Food

from €9.00
....Electra 12 / Curiosity..Electra 12 / Curiosidade.... E12_2.jpg

Electra 12 / Curiosity

from €9.00
....Electra 11 / Fame..Electra 11 / Fama.... E11 EN1.jpg

Electra 11 / Fame

from €9.00
....Electra 10 / Work..Electra 10 / Trabalho.... E10 EN1.jpg

Electra 10 / Work

from €9.00
....Electra 9 / Speed..Electra 9 / Velocidade.... E9 EN.jpg

Electra 9 / Speed

from €9.00
....Electra 8 / Memory and Forgetting..Electra 8 / Memória e Esquecimento.... E8 1.jpg

Electra 8 / Memory and Forgetting

from €9.00
....Electra 7 / Animals..Electra 7 / Animais.... E7 2.jpg

Electra 7 / Animals

from €9.00
....Electra 6 / Money..Electra 6 / Dinheiro.... spread 1 B.jpg

Electra 6 / Money

from €9.00
....Electra 5 / Youth..Electra 5 / Juventude.... E5 spread 01 (en).jpg

Electra 5 / Youth

from €9.00
....Electra 4 / Media and Journalism..Electra 4 / Media e Jornalismo.... E4 spread 01 (en).jpg

Electra 4 / Media and Journalism

from €9.00
....Electra 3 / Tourism..Electra 3 / Turismo.... E3 spread 01 (en).jpg

Electra 3 / Tourism

from €9.00
....Electra 2 / Stupidity..Electra 2 / Estupidez.... E2 spread 01.jpg

Electra 2 / Stupidity

from €9.00
....Electra 1 / In these Great Times..Electra 1 / Nesta grande época.... E1 spread 01.jpg

Electra 1 / In these Great Times

from €9.00
Ville Savoye, Le Corbusier / João Carmo Simões

Ville Savoye, Le Corbusier / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Temple of Aphaia I, Aegina / João Carmo Simões

Temple of Aphaia I, Aegina / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Supreme Federal Court, Oscar Niemeyer / João Carmo Simões

Supreme Federal Court, Oscar Niemeyer / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Avenida Paulista II / João Carmo Simões

Avenida Paulista II / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Avenida Paulista I / João Carmo Simões

Avenida Paulista I / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Casa de Vidro, Lina Bo Bardi / João Carmo Simões

Casa de Vidro, Lina Bo Bardi / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Pathway to Acropolis, Athens / João Carmo Simões

Pathway to Acropolis, Athens / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Temple of Aphaia VIII, Aegina / João Carmo Simões

Temple of Aphaia VIII, Aegina / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Tinghir I, Morocco / João Carmo Simões

Tinghir I, Morocco / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Erechtheion, Athenas / João Carmo Simões

Erechtheion, Athenas / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
Propylaea II, Athens / João Carmo Simões

Propylaea II, Athens / João Carmo Simões

from €58.00
L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 29 / Alvar Aalto AS10_FR_1.jpg

L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 29 / Alvar Aalto

L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 28 / Walter Gropius AS11_FR_1.jpg

L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 28 / Walter Gropius

O Problema da Casa Portuguesa / Fernando Távora
Sold Out

O Problema da Casa Portuguesa / Fernando Távora

Poemas de Alberto Caeiro AS5_PT1_1.jpg

Poemas de Alberto Caeiro

from €20.00
Obra Completa de Cesário Verde AS6_PT_capa label.jpg

Obra Completa de Cesário Verde

from €20.00
Il Territorio dell'Architettura / Vittorio Gregotti AS7_IT1_1.jpg

Il Territorio dell'Architettura / Vittorio Gregotti

from €65.00
The Complete Poems of Cavafy AS3_EN1_1.jpg

The Complete Poems of Cavafy

from €16.00
90 e mais Quatro Poemas / Constatino Cavafy
Sold Out

90 e mais Quatro Poemas / Constatino Cavafy

Ruba'Iyat / Omar Khayyan AS14_EN_1.jpg

Ruba'Iyat / Omar Khayyan

from €20.00
Moravagine / Blaise Cendrars AS12_PT1_capa label.jpg

Moravagine / Blaise Cendrars

from €45.00
Poesia de 26 Séculos / De Arquíloco a Nietzsche
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Poesia de 26 Séculos / De Arquíloco a Nietzsche

Selected Writings of Blaise Cendrars AS13_EN_1.jpg

Selected Writings of Blaise Cendrars

Introduzione all'Architettura Moderna / Alberto Sartoris AS9_IT1_1.jpg

Introduzione all'Architettura Moderna / Alberto Sartoris

from €220.00
Modern Architecture: A Critical History / Kenneth Frampton AS8_EN_1.jpg

Modern Architecture: A Critical History / Kenneth Frampton

from €30.00